Delivery and FAQs

Delivery and FAQs

Delivery and FAQs

When can you expect your TYF Box to arrive? Like clockwork, the TYF Box makes its grand entrance on the first of every month, ready to fuel your training journey with excitement and anticipation!

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the TYF Box:

Q: How do I subscribe to the TYF Box?

A: Subscribing is a breeze! Simply join the TYF PERFORMANCE Training App to start receiving your monthly deliveries.

Q: Can I customize my TYF Box?

A: Yes! You will fill out a brief questionnaire within the TYF app so we know exactly what to include in your box!

Q: What if I'm not satisfied with my TYF Box?

A: Your satisfaction is our top priority! If you ever have any concerns or feedback about your TYF Box, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team, and we'll make it right.

With the TYF Box by your side, there's no limit to what you can achieve on the track, the trail, or wherever your athletic journey takes you. Get ready to fuel your passion, elevate your performance, and unleash your full potential with each and every delivery!

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